Sunday, March 15, 2009

Driving to a friends' house yesterday afternoon to take my kids to a sleepover, I passed the Riata apartment complex. I've spoken to folks before who have mentioned that they offer a wide variety of classes and programs and such to their residents, and I thought (not for the first time) that it might be a good venue for a Seventh Path(R) class. I'm also thinking of looking into Continuing Education classes with ACC and/or UT. Retirement Centers, and possibly Sun City would also be good venues for Self Hypnosis classes for groups.

Friday, March 13, 2009

I've finally found a part-time job, which should bring in a fairly reliable source of income. This will allow me to finally rent an office and start to market my business. I was looking at the Austin Woman magazine today, and plan to check out their advertising rates. I'm also considering becoming a contributing writer to some of the natural magazines found around town. I just have to figure out what to write about!

Now is the time to really get my website materials finalized...